Connect the Stars — An endless movie trivia game

Connect the Stars — An endless movie trivia game


2 min read

I’ve watched 117 films so far in 2020. There’s something about how young the medium of a feature film is — they’ve only been around for a bit more than a century! — that fools people like me into thinking it’s possible to watch every single great movie ever made. I wanted to create something for myself and others like me who watch way too many movies. Something to show off all the useless trivia we accumulate about movies and the people in them.

And so, Amanda and I made a movie trivia game called Connect the Stars! If you enjoy answering “What movies was she in?” and “Who was in that movie again?”, you’ll like this game. Connect the Stars is best enjoyed with a group of friends, or challenge yourself by playing solo if you’re a big movie buff.

Try it out:

This game is optimized for desktop, but the mobile layout works well too. Here’s a simple example of how a game might go: You start off with two movie stars, like Samuel L. Jackson and Joaquin Phoenix, and you list what films they are in. The goal is to keep listing films and actors until you connect the stars!

A game of Connect the Stars

Sometimes I even learn more about movies by playing this game. For example…

Another game of Connect the Stars

Did anyone realize you could connect Michael Jordan and LeBron James through their filmographies using only one other actor? And that that actor is Danny DeVito???

If you want to play the game at this point but need some inspiration for pairs of movie stars to play with, may I suggest:

  • Emma Stone and Dwayne Johnson (a Stone and the Rock… how hard could it be?)
  • Kevin Bacon and Jon Hamm (they surely have lots of meaty roles for you to remember!)
  • Steve Carell and John Krasinski (The Office won’t help you here, films only!)

Last but not least: Amanda and I even filmed a Let’s Play video to introduce Connect the Stars to our friends. Check it out on my Instagram.

If you play the game, we would love to know what you think!